The Aransas County Navigation District is a political subdivision of the State of Texas. The precincts from which the District’s Commissioners are elected have the same boundaries as the precincts of the Aransas County Commissioners. The District’s Commissioner-at-Large is elected from the entire county. All ACND terms are four years.
Navigation and Canal Commission
Current Commissioners
Commissioner | Precinct | Term Expires |
Judith H. Vlasek | Precinct 1-1A | 2028 |
Martin Diaz De Leon Sr. | Precinct 2 | 2026 |
Jack Wright | Precinct 3 | 2028 |
Long Nguyen | Precinct 4-4A | 2026 |
Captain Tommy Moore | Precinct At-Large | 2026 |
General Election Information
The District’s elections are held on the November Uniform Election Date in even-numbered years and are non-partisan, which means the candidacies may not be associated with a political party. A candidate for office of Commissioner must meet the following requirements prior to July 20, 2024:
Be at least eighteen (18) years of age;
Be an elector of the county, i.e. be registered to vote in Aransas County;
Have resided continuously in the State of Texas for at least 12 months;
Have resided continuously within the territory for which the candidate is running for at least 6 months;
Be not otherwise disqualified by the Texas Election Code or other Texas law.
Please contact the district office for additional information.
The next ACND election will be on Tuesday, November 5, 2024. Candidate Handout Packets are how available to be picked up from the district office.
Aransas County Navigation District
911 Navigation Circle, Rockport, TX 78382
Telephone: (361) 729-6661
Email: admin@acnd.org Online: acnd.org